Title: | Nature Tails |
Description: | This is a weekly preschool program that explores a variety of topics. Sessions will read a nature-related book and chat about ways to explore nature.
As a follow up to the VFT, you are requested to complete a post event reflection at https://goo.gl/mFU4X5 |
Subject(s): | |
Grade Levels: | |
VFT Type: | Talk to the Expert |
URL: | http://outdoornebraska.gov/education/ |
Meeting Time: | Schedule upon request by teacher |
Duration: | 30 minutes
Registration Info: | To register for this program, contact the program provider Monica Macoubrie for field trip information at 308-436-3777 or monica.macoubrie@nebraska.gov |
Tech Requirements: | Supports desktop connections using Zoom (or other video conferencing service) microphone, and video capability.
For questions about equipment, desktop applications or other concerns, contact your local ESU distance learning specialist. Click here for a list of ESU contacts. |
Cost: | $0.00 |
Additional Cost Info: | |