Virtual Field Trip Details
VFT Information
Title:Excavation and Tools

How do archeologists study a site once it has been found? Explore a working excavation and see some of the methods and tools archeologists use at active dig sites.


As a follow up to the VFT, you are requested to complete a post event reflection at http://goo.gl/GMpSvg

Subject(s):ScienceSocial Science
Grade Levels:Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5
VFT Type:Talk to the Expert
Meeting Time:Schedule upon request by teacher
Duration:30 minutes
Registration Info:To register for this program, contact the program provider Rebecca Wiewel via email at mwac_distancelearning@nps.gov or via phone at (402) 437-5392
Tech Requirements:

Tech Requirements: Supports desktop connections using Webex (Zoom, Google, and other videoconferencing services possible if participant sets up).

For questions about equipment, desktop applications or other concerns, contact your local ESU distance learning coordinator. Click here for a list of ESU contacts.

Additional Cost Info:

Provider Information
Provider Name:NPS Midwest Archeological Center
Description:The Midwest Archeological Center is dedicated to the study, interpretation and preservation of archeological resources within the National Park System. The Center also provides professional support and consultation to other federal, state, and local government agencies. We conduct research on sites ranging from 10,000-year-old American Indian campsites to the garbage in Abraham Lincoln's backyard. Center staff provide expertise in geophysical, geo-archeological, and fur trade research specializations, as well as a wide range of other studies. The Midwest Archeological Center is organized to provide the highest quality archeological services in an effective, productive, and timely manner.  
Contact:Rebecca Wiewel
Phone Number:402-437-5392