Title: | Omaha's World's Fair |
Description: | *Description not provided
As a follow up to the VFT, you are requested to complete a post event reflection at https://goo.gl/mFU4X5 |
Subject(s): | |
Grade Levels: | |
VFT Type: | Talk to the Expert |
URL: | https://durhammuseum.org/education/digital-learning/ |
Meeting Time: | Scheduled by request of the teacher |
Duration: | 30 minutes
Registration Info: | To register for this program, contact the program provider Paige Pace, educationdept@durhammuseum.org (402-444-5027, ext. 562). |
Tech Requirements: | Supports desktop connections using Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
For questions about equipment, desktop applications or other concerns, contact your local ESU distance learning specialist. Click here for a list of ESU contacts. |
Cost: | $0.00 |
Additional Cost Info: | |