Course Offering Details
Course Information
Course Name:World History 1
Provided Through:University of Nebraska High School
Entity:University of Nebraska High School
Description:This first semester course is an introduction to world history that traces human development from ancient times to the beginning of the eighteenth century. Students will learn the facts, concepts, and principles they need to gain a better grasp on the history, culture, political, social, and economic developments of many different societies around the globe. Special attention is given to the civilizations that developed in the Middle East, India, China, Africa, and Latin America as well as those in Europe and North America.
Subjects:Social Studies
Grade Levels:9 - 12
Comments:Need enrollment instructions? Visit: http://highschool.nebraska.edu or call Toll Free: 866-700-4747

Distant Learning Coordinator Contact Information
DLC Contacts:

Section Information
NVIS ID:9729
Instructor:Teacher, Nebraska Certificated
Credit Type:High School
Delivery Mode:Asynchronous
Class meets:8/1/2024 to 7/31/2025
Block Schedule:No
Availability:Open for registration
Computer required:Yes
Proctor required:Yes
LMS required:No
Comments:This is a self-paced course that may be started at any time during the year and completed in 5 - 52 weeks (end date of this course offering does not affect enrollment period).
Enrolled: University of Nebraska High School