Course Name: | Third Year French |
Provided Through: | University of Nebraska High School |
Entity: | University of Nebraska High School |
Description: | In this course, students take an imaginary tour of Paris and examine the United States from this vantage. After reviewing the grammar and rules presented in First and Second Year French, students study indirect objects; emphatic, interrogative and reflexive pronouns; and verbs in the reflexive voice, the imperfect tense and the conditional mood. Students continue to enhance their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Audio files are embedded in the online course and are available on an Audio CD for offline use. |
URL: | |
Subjects: | Foreign Language |
Grade Levels: | 9 - 12 |
Prerequisites: | SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: If students are to succeed, it is important that they be enrolled at the appropriate level. Students who have not been enrolled in our program and who want to enroll at this level are encouraged to take a placement test. |
Comments: | Need enrollment instructions? Visit: or call Toll Free: 866-700-4747 |