NVIS ID: | 8181 |
Instructor: | Wadas, Marie |
Credit Type: | Dual |
Delivery Mode: | Synchronous |
Class meets: | Full Year 2023-2024 from 8/16/2023 to 5/9/2024 at 2:47 PM-3:38 PM(Central) - MTWRF |
Block Schedule: | No |
Availability: | Open for registration |
Computer required: | Yes |
Proctor required: | Yes |
LMS required: | Yes |
LMS instructions: | The
language of the health profession is presented in this dual-credit course for
upper level high school students. Hundreds of vocabulary terms and
meanings are presented. Basic knowledge of word parts and mastery of the
skill of breaking complex terms down into word parts is emphasized. Students
earn three-hours of HLTH1060 college credit through Central Community
College. Paid on-line MINDTAP seats will be required for delivery of assignments-test taking. Helpful:Medical Terminology for Health Professions, Spiral bound Version, 8th Ed.Ann Ehrlich; Carol L. Schroeder; Laura Ehrlich; Katrina A. Schroeder ISBN-10: 1-305-63435-7 ISBN-13: 978-1-305-63435-0 Zoom provides visual contact to interact using a variety of
learning options: Kahoot.it, Blookit & Quizlet provide student interaction. It is ultimately up to each student to
make handwritten flashcards, complete Mindtap work, listen to Audio downloads and use available resources to learn the information.
Grades are on MindTap & PowerSchool as needed for local eligibility/report
cards. Final Grade in CCC Canvas |
Comments: | This class will be held during Arcadia's 8th period from~2:47-3:38 PM. Times
are flexible so students need to be self-driven to complete assignments.
Friday, APS runs shorter dismissing at 2:33 PM so usually a work
day for students & we often do not meet. ZOOM, CANVAS,
texting, google docs and CCC/Google email all assist with communications. |
Cost: | TBD |
Enrolled: |
Arcadia High School
(1 students)
Clarkson Jr-Sr High School
(4 students)
No Codec Selected
Sargent High School
(7 students)
No Codec Selected