Course Offering Details
Course Information
Course Name:English 1010
Provided Through:Central Community College-Kearney
Entity:Central Community College-Kearney
Description:English Composition I offers instructional practice in the techniques of effective writing. The process of planning, writing, revising, and editing essays for particular audiences and purposes and research-related skills are also emphasized. Contact Hours: Class- 45 Practical Lab-0 Clinical-0 Internship-0
Grade Levels:11 - College
Prerequisites:no prerequisites

Distant Learning Coordinator Contact Information
DLC Contacts:

Section Information
NVIS ID:7723
Instructor:Hammond, Amy
Credit Type:Dual
Delivery Mode:Synchronous
Class meets:Fall 2021 from 8/16/2021 to 12/10/2021 at 9:00 AM-9:50 AM(Central) - MWF
Block Schedule:No
Availability:By invitation only
Computer required:No
Proctor required:No
LMS required:Yes
LMS instructions:CCC uses Canvas LMS, accounts will be made for students enrolling in the course be CCC.

To register for any classes from CCC you must contact H Ruth Kirkland

at hkirkland@cccneb.edu. Phone number (308) 338-4012

Enrolled: Cambridge High School (17 students)
No Codec Selected
Central Community College-Kearney (12 students)
No Codec Selected