Course Offering Details
Course Information
Course Name:American History
Entity:Wynot High School
Description:This course is a survey of American history from pre-history through the Civil War era. Topics include the migrations to the Americas, the colonial and revolutionary periods, the development of the Republic, and the Civil War. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze significant political, socioeconomic, and cultural developments in early American history.
Native Americans, minorities, women, and representative biographies are also examined.
Subjects:Social Studies
Grade Levels:11 - 12

Distant Learning Coordinator Contact Information
DLC Contacts: BJ Peters bpeters@esu13.org 308-635-3696
Molly Aschoff maschoff@esu8.org 402-887-5041
Scott Jones scott.jones@esusixteen.org 308-534-2424
Chris Good cgood@esu1.org 402-287-2061
Andrew Easton aeaston@esucc.org 888-888-8888
Scott McIntosh smcintosh@esu1.org 402-287-2061

Section Information
NVIS ID:7389
Instructor:Heller, Andrew
Credit Type:Dual
Delivery Mode:Synchronous
Class meets:Full Year 2020-2021 from 8/10/2020 to 5/7/2021 at 9:50 AM-10:45 AM(Central) - MTWRF
Block Schedule:No
Availability:Open for registration
Computer required:No
Proctor required:No
LMS required:No
Enrolled: Wynot High School (13 students)
Laurel-Concord High School (4 students)
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