Course Offering Details
Course Information
Course Name:Public Speaking (SPCH 1110)
Entity:Central Community College-Columbus
Description:This course will enable students to recognize and develop the skills required of speaking in today's workplace and society.  This course will focus on the organization, preparation, research and evidence needed for presentation that is tailed to fit the audience.  This course will also enhance the students' active and critical listening skills.
Grade Levels:11 - College

Distant Learning Coordinator Contact Information
DLC Contacts:

Section Information
NVIS ID:6721
Instructor:Chochon, Erica
Credit Type:Dual
Delivery Mode:Synchronous
Class meets:Spring 2020 from 1/13/2020 to 5/8/2020 at 8:00 AM-8:50 AM(Central) - MWF
Block Schedule:No
Availability:Open for registration
Computer required:No
Proctor required:No
LMS required:No
Enrolled: Central Community College-Columbus (11 students)
No Codec Selected
Pope John XXIII High School (7 students)
No Codec Selected
Madison Senior High School (1 students)
No Codec Selected
Howells-Dodge Consolidated School (3 students)
No Codec Selected