Course Offering Details
Course Information
Course Name:Intermediate Grammar
Provided Through:University of Nebraska High School
Entity:University of Nebraska High School
Description:This course challenges students with an in-depth study of grammar. Students review parts of speech and usage, sentence patterns, basic punctuation and capitalization. They study clauses, phrases and sentence problems; and complex pronoun, verb and adverb forms.
Grade Levels:9 - 12
Comments:Need enrollment instructions? Visit: http://highschool.nebraska.edu or call Toll Free: 866-700-4747

Distant Learning Coordinator Contact Information
DLC Contacts:

Section Information
NVIS ID:4614
Instructor:Teacher, Nebraska Certificated
Credit Type:High School
Delivery Mode:Asynchronous
Class meets:7/1/2019 to 6/30/2020
Block Schedule:No
Availability:Open for registration
Computer required:Yes
Proctor required:Yes
LMS required:No
Comments:This is a self-paced course that may be started at any time during the year and completed in 5 - 52 weeks. (end date of this course offering
does not affect enrollment period).
Cost:Nebraska Discount is $200 + Required Books/Materials
Enrolled: University of Nebraska High School