Course Offering Details
Course Information
Course Name:Nuclear Science
Entity:Omaha Burke High School
Description:The course covers the energy demand for the US and for the world, thermodynamics, physical impact of energy on the environment and society, renewable energy resources, such as solar, wind, biofuel, hydrogen, and non-renewable energy resources, such as fossil fuels, coal, natural gas.  Also, it covers nuclear physics, variety of its applications, such as nuclear medicine, and nuclear reactors and the historical development of the A-Bomb. Students should enroll in Nuclear Energy, which is offered second semester.
Grade Levels:11 - 12
Prerequisites:Algebra 3-4 (equivalent of second year Algebra)
Comments:Textbooks: 2 Books: 1. Energy, Physics and the Environment by Ernie L. McFarland, James L. Hunt, John L. Campbell Thomson Publisher; 3rd Ed, 2007 ISBN: 1-4266-2433-6 2. Nuclear Energy by Raymond L. Murray 6th Ed, 2009 Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-370547-1

Distant Learning Coordinator Contact Information
DLC Contacts: BJ Peters bpeters@esu13.org 308-635-3696
Molly Aschoff maschoff@esu8.org 402-887-5041
Scott Jones scott.jones@esusixteen.org 308-534-2424
Andrew Easton aeaston@esucc.org 888-888-8888

Section Information
NVIS ID:4288
Instructor:Armagan, Hakam
Credit Type:High School
Delivery Mode:Synchronous
Class meets:This section's schedule is yet to be determined
Block Schedule:No
Availability:Open for registration
Computer required:Yes
Proctor required:No
LMS required:No
Comments:This section will be available for the fall of 2016. Please contact the teacher to confirm enrollment. Sezai.Armagan@ops.org
This section's schedule is yet to be determined. Enrollments will not be allowed until the schedule has been finalized.
Enrolled: Omaha Burke High School (15 students)