Course Offering Details
Course Information
Course Name:Entrepreneurship / Career Planning - Year
Entity:Pleasanton High School
Description:Students will develop a personal learning plan that identifies career, college, and business objectives.  All assignments are posted on Schoology and a Wordpress site.  Projects developed individually or in teams will focus on a part time or full time business plan for the future. Students will need an email address and the use of a laptop or iPad each day.
Subjects:Business, Other, Social Studies
Grade Levels:10 - 12
Prerequisites:Zoom Connection and Schoology Learning Management System, computer or iPad.
Comments:$150 per student per semester fee.

Distant Learning Coordinator Contact Information
DLC Contacts: BJ Peters bpeters@esu13.org 308-635-3696
Molly Aschoff maschoff@esu8.org 402-887-5041
Jason Everett Jeverett@esu10.org 308-237-5927
Scott Jones scott.jones@esusixteen.org 308-546-7153
Andrew Easton aeaston@esucc.org 888-888-8888

Section Information
NVIS ID:4084
Instructor:Bednar, Bob
Credit Type:High School
Delivery Mode:Synchronous
Class meets:Full Year 2016-2017 from 8/22/2016 to 5/16/2017 at 8:15 AM-9:00 AM(Central) - MTWRF
Block Schedule:No
Availability:Open for registration
Computer required:Yes
Proctor required:Yes
LMS required:Yes
LMS instructions:Students will develop a personal learning plan that identifies career, college, and business objectives.  All assignments are posted on Schoology and a Wordpress site.  Projects developed individually or in teams will focus on a part time or full time business plan for the future. Students will need an email address and the use of a laptop or ipad each day to complete assignments and projects.
Comments:Students will explore careers, entrepreneurship opportunities, and nonprofits.
Enrolled: Pleasanton High School (25 students)
Wood River Rural High School (3 students)
Scribner-Snyder Secondary School (1 students)