Course Offering Details
Course Information
Course Name:Algebra II
Entity:Laurel-Concord High School
Description:This course is offered to those who have completed Algebra I and Geometry.The objective of this class is to develop skills and appreciations of advanced algebra. It will review basic algebra, introduce real and complex numbers, and all types of functions including circles, ellipses, parabolas, logarithms, and exponentials. There will also be units on sequences and series and probability. Students will use graphing calculators. It is recommended for all college bound students. Students will be required to have a scientific calculator. This course is required for admissions to most colleges, and is suggested for most tech schools.
Grade Levels:10 - 12

Distant Learning Coordinator Contact Information
DLC Contacts: BJ Peters bpeters@esu13.org 308-635-3696
Molly Aschoff maschoff@esu8.org 402-887-5041
Scott Jones scott.jones@esusixteen.org 308-534-2424
Chris Good cgood@esu1.org 402-287-2061
Andrew Easton aeaston@esucc.org 888-888-8888
Scott McIntosh smcintosh@esu1.org 402-287-2061

Section Information
NVIS ID:2355
Instructor:Manganaro, Carol
Credit Type:High School
Delivery Mode:Synchronous
Class meets:Full Year 2013-2014 from 8/15/2013 to 5/16/2014 at 8:10 AM-9:00 AM(Central) - MTWRF
Block Schedule:No
Availability:Open for registration
Computer required:No
Proctor required:No
LMS required:No
Enrolled: Laurel-Concord High School (15 students)
Wynot High School (4 students)