Course Offering Details
Course Information
Course Name:College Algebra (MTH 1503)
Entity:Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture
Description:Functions, inverse functions, graphing of linear and quadratic functions, the conic sections, polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations, determinants and matrices, and higher degree equations.
Grade Levels:9 - 12
Comments:Transfers to University of Nebraska-Lincoln as MATH 101 (College Algebra). This dual credit course can be delivered 100% online by a qualified NCTA instructor or taught as a hybrid course with a qualified high school instructor acting as facilitator or "teaching assistant." For questions, contact Eric Reed, NCTA Division Chair of General Education: ereed2@unl.edu

Distant Learning Coordinator Contact Information
DLC Contacts:

Section Information
NVIS ID:1553
Instructor:To Be Determined
Credit Type:Dual
Delivery Mode:Synchronous
Class meets:This section's schedule is yet to be determined
Block Schedule:No
Availability:Open for registration
Computer required:No
Proctor required:No
LMS required:No
Comments:This dual credit course can be delivered 100% online by a qualified NCTA instructor or taught as a hybrid course with a qualified high school instructor acting as facilitator or "teaching assistant." For questions, contact Eric Reed, NCTA Division Chair of General Education: ereed2@unl.edu
This section's schedule is yet to be determined. Enrollments will not be allowed until the schedule has been finalized.
Enrolled: Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture
No Codec Selected
Wauneta-Palisade High School (5 students)
Hershey High School (3 students)
Pender High School (5 students)