Course Details
Course Information
Course Name:Elements of Statistics (MTH 2203)
Provided Through:Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture
Entity:Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture
Description:Frequency distributions, elementary probability theory, measures of dispersion and central tendency, normal distributions, confidence intervals, hypotheses testing, regression, and correlation.
Grade Levels:11 - College
Comments:Transfers to University of Nebraska-Lincoln as STAT 218 (Intro To Statistics). This dual credit course can be delivered 100% online by a qualified NCTA instructor or taught as a hybrid course with a qualified high school instructor acting as facilitator or "teaching assistant." For questions, contact Eric Reed, NCTA Division Chair of General Education: ereed2@unl.edu

Distant Learning Coordinator Contact Information
DLC Contacts:

Course Section Offerings
Section Offerings
3850 Offered: Asynchronously from 1/11/2016 to 5/5/2016  Baugher, Justin