Course Details
Course Information
Course Name:ENGR 1000 Engineering Essentials (STEM)
Provided Through:Mid-Plains Community College-North Platte
Entity:Mid-Plains Community College-North Platte
Description:This course is a one-semester introductory engineering course for students who are considering engineering as a career. The course will include an overview of the major engineering fields
and subdivisions, including histories, achievements, failures and present outlooks in engineering today. The course will also include several individual and group projects designed to give
the students experience in technological design, project planning, teamwork and communication.
Grade Levels:10 - College

Distant Learning Coordinator Contact Information
DLC Contacts:

Course Section Offerings
Section Offerings
3358 Offered: 11:00 AM-11:50 AM(Central) - MWF from 8/24/2015 to 12/17/2015  Daily, Jared
4135 Offered: 11:00 AM-11:50 AM(Central) - MWF from 8/22/2016 to 12/15/2016  Daily, Jared